Oriel Davies GalleryGallery 1
Newtown 2019
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

H4m x W9m x D2.75m
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Twist’ (detail)
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Drawing (Condensed)’ and ‘Drawing (folded)’
TWISTGallery 1
Oriel Davies Gallery
Newtown 2019
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Drawing (condensed)’
2017Charcoal on paper
H25cm x W18cm x D15

‘Drawing (folded)’
Charcoal on Fabriano paper2019
90cm x 120cm x 35cm
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Drawing (folded)’, ‘Twist’ and ‘Hanging Balls’
Gallery 1Oriel Davies Gallery
Newtown 2019
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Drawing’, ‘Black Line (wound up)’, ‘Drawing (Cloud I)’ and ‘Eight forms’
2019Installation view
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Drawing’, ‘Black Line (Wound Up)’ and ‘Eight forms’
Gallery IOriel Davies Gallery
Newtown 2019

‘Drawing’ and ‘Eight forms’
DetailPhoto: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Drawing’, ‘Black Line (Wound Up)’ and ‘Eight forms’
DetailPhoto: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Drawing’ and ‘Black Line (Wound Up)’
DetailPhoto: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Cloud II’, ‘Drawing’ and ‘Eight forms’
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd
‘Cloud II’, and disc from ‘Eight forms’
Acrylic on Fabriano PaperH34cm x W135cm x D34cm
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

Gallery 1Oriel Davies Gallery
Newtown 2019

‘Hanging Balls’, Discs (‘Eight Forms’), ‘Drawing’
Gallery ITWIST
Oriel Davies Gallery, 2019
Paper, charcoal, gloss paint, metal rods
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Sewn Sculpture’, ‘Hanging Balls’, Discs (‘Eight Forms’), ‘Drawing (Cloud II)’
Gallery ITWIST
Oriel Davies Gallery
Canvas, thread, paper, acrylic, gloss paint, metal rods
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Sewn Drawing’
2018-19canvas, thread, dowel
dimensions variable
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Drawing’, ‘Sewn Sculpture’, ‘Balls (Hanging)’
Gallery II2019
Charcoal, Paper, fabric, thread
metal bracket, paper, paint metal rods, wood
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Balls (Hanging)’,‘Wall drawing’
Gallery II2019
Newsprint, paint, metal rods, dimensions variable
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Balls (Hanging)’, ‘Wall drawing’ and ‘Wall Drawing with Weights’
Gallery II2019
Newsprint, paint, metal rods, paper-mache, wire, thread, pvc, paint dimensions variable
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Wall Drawing with Weights’
2018-2019Newsprint, paper-mache, dimensions variable
‘Seven Drawings’
Fabriano paper, charcoal, thread
H210cm x W48cm x D5cm
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Wall Drawing with Weights’
DetailPhoto: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Wall Drawing with Weights’ Detail. ‘Seven Drawings’
2016-2019Fabriano paper, charcoal, thread
H210cm x W48cm x D5cm
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Wall drawing’
2019Newsprint, paint, sewn linen bands
dimensions variable
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

‘Drawing & Sewn Sculpture’
2018-2019Charcoal on Fabriano Paper Black canvas, thread, metal bracket
H150cm x W250cm x D40cm
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd

'Drawing' & 'Sewn Sculpture’
Photo: Dewi Tennat Lloyd