'Three Pitchers'
1991, clay, wood, paint, 34 x 124.5 x 7cm
‘Three Pitchers’
1990, clay, wood, paint, 32 x 89 x 8cmPrivate Collection Boston, USA

‘Three Vases’
2002, clay, wood, paint, 31 x 92 x 8cmLindig in Paludetto Gallery, Private Collection Nuremburg

‘Three Vases’ and ‘Two Vases’
1990 and 1991, clay wood, paint31 x 92 x 8cm, 146 x 36 x 36cm
both Private collections UK

‘Three Vases’
1990, clay, wood, paint, 33 x 81.3 x 8cmInstalled at: Castello di Rivara, Centro d’Arte Contemporanea

‘Three Vases’
2002, clay, wood, paint, 31 x 92 x 8cmPrivate Collection Nuremburg

‘Three Vases’
2002, clay, wood, paint, 31 x 92 x 8cmLindig in Paludetto Gallery
Private Collection Nuremburg

‘Three Vases’
2006, clay, wood, 32 x 89 x 10cm,Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, 2012

‘Six Pitchers’
1988-89, clay, wood, paint, 30.5 x 121.6 x 8cm,Private Collection, Germany

‘Eleven Pitchers’
1989, clay, wood, paint, 28.5 x 213.5 x 8cm